April 22, 2024

Cubbi: Our Commitment to Sustainable Catering

Lewis Dyson

Office food delivery has become a staple for many, offering convenience and variety right to the workplace. However, this convenience often comes with a hidden cost to the environment. Traditional food delivery methods, with their 1-to-1 delivery model, aren’t the best when it comes to carbon emissions and waste. At Cubbi, we are deeply committed to rewriting this narrative by integrating sustainability into every aspect of our operations.

The Problem with Conventional Food Delivery

Most food delivery services operate on a model that prioritizes speed. This approach often results in inefficient routing, excessive packaging, and a considerable carbon footprint due to the numerous individual trips made to fulfill orders. It's an inherently inefficient system that adds to emissions over time. But there is a better way.

Cubbi's Solution: Aggregating Deliveries

Cubbi’s innovative approach to office food delivery involves aggregating multiple orders into a single delivery route. This system not only increases efficiency but significantly reduces the number of trips needed to deliver meals. By optimizing delivery routes, we cut down on fuel consumption, decrease emissions, and mitigate our overall environmental impact. Our proprietary route planning technology is at the heart of this process, ensuring that every delivery is as green as possible.

Proprietary Route Planning

At the core of our sustainability practices is our proprietary route planning. This system allows us to maximize delivery efficiency by strategically grouping orders based on their destination proximity and the most fuel-efficient routes. This method results in a 72% reduction in emissions compared to traditional delivery methods and is central to our commitment to make a tangible difference in the fight against climate change.

Beyond just reducing emissions, our delivery model addresses several other environmental issues. Aggregating orders also cuts down on the packaging needed per meal delivered. Less packaging means less waste ending up in landfills. By choosing Cubbi, you don't just get the convenience of office-delivered meals; you contribute to more sustainable practices in the food delivery industry.

Reducing Food Waste: A Zero Waste Goal

One of the most significant environmental issues in the catering industry is food waste. Traditional catering often results in surplus food that goes uneaten. At Cubbi, we tackle this problem head-on with our commitment to a zero waste goal. We actively collaborate with local not-for-profit organizations to provide their beneficiaries high-quality, healthy meals that have not been purchased on our platform. Through this partnership, we strive to minimize food waste and contribute positively to our community and environment.

Partnering with Vendors to Minimize Waste

Our partnership model with local vendors is fundamental in our fight against food waste. By leveraging restaurant downtimes and optimizing ingredient usage, we help kitchens prepare just the right amount of food, reducing the likelihood of excess. This not only ensures fresher meals for our customers but also enhances the operational efficiency of our partners, making the best use of available resources.

Preordering to Forecast Demand

Cubbi’s platform enables users to preorder their meals, which plays a critical role in our waste reduction strategy. This system allows our partner restaurants to gain a clear forecast of the day’s demand, significantly reducing guesswork and the resultant food waste. By aligning meal preparation with actual demand, we ensure that food production is more aligned with consumption, thereby minimizing surplus.

Transitioning to Sustainable Materials

With 16% of all plastic in Canada going to food packaging, we have made our 2024 goal to reduce our reliance on plastics. We aim to have 80% of our food packaging be made of plastic alternatives and be fully recyclable or compostable.

This shift involves moving away from traditional plastics. By opting for eco-friendly materials, we aim to significantly reduce our environmental footprint and lead by example in the food delivery industry. Watch this space.

Everyday Impact

Our journey towards sustainability is not just about setting goals but also about achieving them and seeing tangible results. Through our platform, we have the privilege to hear stories about our customers transforming their daily routines with Cubbi.

One office manager shared how Cubbi helped them drastically reduce food waste. Previously, leftovers from catered meetings were common, leading to significant waste. With Cubbi, by allowing each team member to choose their own meals, they were able to order precise quantities, nearly eliminating excess food.

Customers have also shared feedback on how Cubbi has helped minimize their grocery waste—no more leftover spinach in the fridge!

Celebrating Earth Day with Action

Today (April 22, 2024) is Earth Day. It's as good a day as any to highlight the importance of environmental sustainability. At Cubbi, we believe that technology is a powerful ally in reducing our ecological impact. Through innovative solutions, we aim to minimize our environmental impact and make sustainable catering a viable choice for every business. Our platform is designed not only for efficiency and convenience but also as a tool for environmental conservation.

We have the tools at our fingertips to optimize delivery routes, support local food suppliers, and, consequently, cut carbon emissions. Technology enables us to bring you great food but, more importantly, it powers our mission to help create a more sustainable future.

Our Commitment to Sustainable Catering

At Cubbi, our environmental mission is ingrained in everything we do. We strive to minimize our ecological footprint by reducing emissions and waste with a goal of mitigating environmental impact and contributing to a healthier planet.

We strive to make a positive impact on the planet while delivering exceptional service to our customers. Our efforts in route optimization, waste reduction, and sustainable packaging are just the beginning. We continuously seek new ways to innovate and improve, ensuring that our operations remain as green as possible.

We plan to keep pushing the boundaries of what's possible in the food delivery industry by adopting even more sustainable practices and technologies. Our goal is not just to be the best in the business but to be the best for the planet.

Make food an employee benefit, not a hassle.

Cubbi makes it effortless for employers to provide subsidized, high-quality meals directly to the workplace.